Past Life Meditation
This is a fun meditation if you believe in reincarnation like I do! Let this meditation guide you into finding out about one of your past life experiences. The first time I did this meditation, years ago, I found out I was a court jester in one of my past lives. Enjoy. Blessings.
Connecting With Your Soul
I often use this meditation to find out what I should be doing in life and to seek the best answer to the questions I have and certain decisions I need to make. Trust the process. What comes up is what is true for you. Practice this and have faith. Blessings
How to Cleanse Your Space from Negativity
Use this to guide you on how to cleanse your space. You only have to do this once in order to cleanse your space and your aura. The aim is to rid the negative energy from your space and replace it with positive energy. You can also use this to help you cleanse your own energy when you have negative thoughts. You will feel more at peace and positive. Blessings.
Archangels Meditation
Connect with the Archangels, feel their power, their energy, their healing hand and their love. Ask them for help and guidance. They love helping us. Ask and they will answer. Blessings
Growing your Garden Meditation
The mind is like a garden, either you grow beautiful flowers or weeds. Visualize and grow your goals in your mind garden. This is a great way to manifest your wishes and attain your goals. Blessings
My Dammit Book, a Journal to Wellness by Joyce Barnes
This is a journal to help anyone who has suffered a loss of any kind including death, breakup, work, money or even someone under a lot of stress. When you go through a hard time it is very important to let go, release, forget or forgive to help with the healing process. Everyday you get to write about your turmoil and about what you are thankful for. These two steps are really important for your recovery. During my many years of experience trying to help my friends, family, readers and even myself I have found that writing all about our pains, anger and frustrations is the best therapy. Now I try to write about my pain and worries, I also write about my wishes and my blessings it has more power and it comes back to me faster.